Monday, December 28, 2009

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

It all started with this pervy teacher who filrted with my friend in class by making her stay after class and leaning and sitting on her table in class. Then he left leaving her his email address, she also flirted back with him so no one feels sorry for her.

He then joined a one man band (lilterally) and is somewhere on myspace, he makes his songs and puts pictures of terrorists and bombs and dieing children on there and now he is out to get us because as a joke we sent an email saying we are a fan of his music but our friend that flirted with him told him the thruth and we used to be in his class and he knows who we are and is out to get us what should we do?

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

post a american flag on his myspace and a few pics of bush that should realy piss him off lol.god bless america

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

see if you can flirt with him too - easy A

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

Grow up

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

How old are you? This is funny.

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

If you're serious about this, then you need to tell an adult right away. If this is a joke it's not funny with the things going on in the world nowadays.

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

tell the police.

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

I recommend the book "Because They Hate" by Bridgette Gabriel, she has some excellent tips for staying vigilant in the face of terrorist threats.

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

i think you should tell the principal about this and thn he/she will take it from there. this is a serious matter if what you say is true so do not take it lightly.

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?


I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

stop interacting with him. you initiated this with the 'joke' and just leave it alone and deal with people your own age. don't do stupid jokes like that.

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

Get the F out of there!!!!!!!!! I don't know how though, maybe that could be your next question!

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

talk to the police!!!

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

Act quick, kill him first!!!!! lol, but really dont worry about it, if you really feel that you are in danger notify the police.

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

This depends on your age. If you are minors and in school, go to the appropriate authorities in your school. If you are adults and in college, you may choose to speak with this instructor before going to the appropriate authorities, such as the police.

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

think abt it just because u are a kid does not mean that u cant fight back... what do u think he's gonna do?

show him we have power to fight back trust me... but if ur scared then tell ur parents if they dont believe u then collect evidence and prove it to them...

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

You should go to the police at once if you are in the uk us or wherever.Terrorists can never be accepted

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

Report him to the attorities ASAP.. Give them details,

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

You should tell the school board or the principal immediately, This is no joke and you should report him b4 it is too late. I had a teacher in 11th grade who wanted me "make him a happy man" to get my grades up and I just left the school instead of saying anything a few months later he ruined another girl's life forever and now I have to live with guilt. You have to report this pervert please!!!! Good Luck

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

Tell him your parents are working for the FBI!lolz Tell all your classmates and everyone who knows him...that should straighten him up..

I have a terrorist teacher what should I do?

Leave the country and live in Canada. All you will have to put up with is an elephant in your back yard every now and then. Good luck!

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