Hey I recently started posting videos on YouTube. My first video was so sucessful, I was on the most viewed and most subcribed list of this week. What can I do to expand my audience even more. I posted the video on my myspace, digg, several popular myspace bands, facebook, friendster, and some more. Anything else I can do. I believe I have the potential but I need to be seen. Thanks for your answers! If you'd like to see my videos, the URL is below:
How to Promote Yourself on YouTube?
Tags. Learn to use tags. Some people only put like one text tag. For example, "muscle" for a bodybuilding video.
To increase your chances of being returned on a search for certain topics, add alot of tags.
Example: Muscle bodybuilding bodybuilder bodybuilders
As you can see, you can form plural in addition to singular tags to increase chances.
Also, use categories well. The categories most successful are ones that have alot of videos. I find that 'SPORTS' is HUGE and people put all kinds of videos under SPORTS.
You really need to gauge which categories generate the most traffic. If you are youtube junky like me, you can look at categories and get an idea of those most used.
Good luck. And check out my bodybuilding videos:
How to Promote Yourself on YouTube?
You need to make interesting videos that people want to watch. If the stuff you make is good enough, word of mouth via blogs / forums etc will do more than you ever could by yourself.
I havn't watched your vid myself, but it sounds like you're on the right track. Just keep doing what you're doing!
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